
Zachary Hosny
General Manager – Maintenance Division

With a wealth of management expertise spanning eight years, Zachary is a seasoned professional ready to make a significant impact.
Over the past seven years he has cultivated a robust background in the lumber industry, demonstrating a keen understanding of its intricacies and challenges.
He Holds a passion for landscape design and horticulture having pursued studies in these fields.
He embraces the outdoors with enthusiasm, finding joy in activities like hiking, snowboarding, fishing, and target shooting.

Nestor Herrera

Senior Field Superintendent

Nestor has worked in the landscaping industry since 2005 and began working for Gail Willey Landscaping in 2011. After learning the company’s procedures and standards, he was given the opportunity to become a foreman and take charge of a construction crew in 2013. 

Nestor has headed the Maintenance Division since its inception in 2019 and is UNR Nursery Certified in applying IPM principles, sustainable turfgrass management, noxious weed identification and control, and insect identification. He specializes in water management for efficient distribution, pruning plants, shrubs, and trees efficiently, and landscaping safety. 

Nestor enjoys time hiking with the family and other outdoor activities.

Gilberto Arroyo

Gilberto has worked in the landscape maintenance industry since 1996 and has worked with Gail Willey Landscaping since 2020. His attention to detail is impeccable!  He is a master at pruning, plant identification and prefers to do his pruning by hand with small shears. His capabilities were recognized quickly and was promoted to a lead in our maintenance division.